The GCMS application is the 1st of its kind solution to allow easy and efficient recording of Gaming Club Hall working. We have developed a robust, effective online solution which would manage all aspects of the Gaming Club Operation for an organization. With this solution, Gaming Club Management can access all data and records pertaining to their hall in real time from any location in the world.
What are the advantages of Gaming Club Management System?
- The Gaming Club Management System (GCMS) is developed to simplify the execution and supervision of Gaming Club System.
- GCMS is reliable, flexible and easy to use.
- This application enables management to track in a better way the functioning, stock management and accounting of the game club halls.
- The system also includes extensive reporting for product purchase log, game prizes paid out, monthly, quarterly sales and usher commissions.
- Masters Management
- Inventory Management
- Occasion Management
- Extensive reporting
Masters Management:
It helps in the management of master settings which includes user management, Halls management, Managing suppliers etc. It records all the important information needed for an online gaming club system. It helps you in the management of:
- Users: Add new users, activate/deactivate their accounts, store their basic information and assign rights and halls to them.
- Announcements: Manage announcements on daily basis.
- Halls: Add new halls, activate/deactivate halls, add/edit hall information.
- Countries: Add/Edit countries to be included.
- States: Add/Edit states to be included in the added countries.
- Cities: Add/edit Cities to be included under the added states.
- Suppliers: Add suppliers and their information. Activate/deactivate the suppliers.
- Organizations: Add/Edit organizations and organization related important information like name, address, contact person, tax id etc.
- Games: Add game types, Assign specific halls and products to different games.
- Products: Add product types and product under different product types.
- Packs: Make packs of same/different products with discounted price.
- Special Pricing: Manage special prices for paper products.
- Rewards/Promo: Add/Edit promos for a specific product type.
Inventory Management:
The system allows the administrator to manage the inventory for a particular hall. A user can:
- Place Orders: Place orders for different products like paper products, pull tabs, etc.
- Receive Inventory: Receive into inventory manually or by purchase order.
- Browse Inventory: Browse order history, inventory used and inventory left etc.
- Product Transfer: Transfer products from one hall to another.
- Shelved Inventory: Shelve the unused inventory.
Occasion Management:
This system has the functionality to manage gaming club occasions. It helps you in:
- Preparing Occasions: Prepare occasions for specific hall for a specific date. Assign games, products/Inventory and staff members for a specific occasion.
- Starting an occasion: This module helps in recording the sales (counter sales or floor sales), promos/packs used/sold, recording games prices and also recording the attendance of the gaming club players.
- Archived Occasion: View the history of the occasion like the date, day on which the occasion was played, organization and hall in which the occasion was played etc. A DCR (Daily Cash Report) can be generated which shows the complete detailed information about the occasion played.
Extensive Reporting:
The system helps you in generating different reports which gives you a quick review of the occasions played, inventory used, total sales etc. The data can be used for all legal and statutory compliance by the gaming club Organization. Different reports generated are:
- Product Purchase Log: The report gives the information about the inventory purchased during a specific period of time.
- Schedule of Prizes: This report gives the information about the schedule of prizes i.e. when and on which occasions the prizes are given.
- Event Tab sales: This reports gives the information about the prizes given on a specific product.
- Daily Cash Report: This report gives information about the daily sales for a specific occasion, product used/sold, payout and prizes, attendance of the members etc.
- Usher Commission Report: This reports gives information about the total sales done by the ushers and their commission on the basis of sales done by them.
- Sales Report: Daily sales report, monthly sales report, quarterly sales report and yearly sales report can be generated.